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Young children develop their brains differently from adults. mom! To me, 象 (elephant) is easier to remember than 七 (seven)! This is because 象 is a character derived from the shape of an elephant and has a specific object. It is difficult because 七 is a logical concept of a number. Young children visualize text and accept it as a picture. At the age of 0-5 when the right brain develops more t..
Young children develop their brains differently from adults.
To me, 象 (elephant) is easier to remember than 七 (seven)!
This is because 象 is a character derived from the shape of an elephant and has a specific object.
It is difficult because 七 is a logical concept of a number.
Young children visualize text and accept it as a picture.
At the age of 0-5 when the right brain develops more than the left brain, like taking pictures of objects or objects, they remember.
Hieroglyphics are reminiscent of objects and cause brain development (especially the right brain) because they look like a complex picture for infants and toddlers.
I wanted to create books for young children's creativity and brain development in a new way.
Toddlers can stimulate their brains just by looking at picture books.
I think you can eat the fruit of your imagination.

Reference: Chinese characters make my child a genius (Ishii Isao)
Brain science demonstration of the effect of Chinese character education (Cho Jang-hee, medical doctor)
송 현호 : 대학에서는 화학을 전공하였고 한자에 관심을 가져 그림한자 기획과 글을 담당

신 봉현 (그림작가) : 대학은 건축,인테리어 전공이고 홍익대학교 공간디자인 석사 / 미국거주

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